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Hikvision Smart Factory Workshop Staffing Control High Security Level Security System

Hikvision Smart Factory Workshop Staffing Control High Security Level Security System

发布日期:2025-02-24   作者:文锋科技
Each vehicle is bound to one or more drivers, and when the vehicle enters and exits, in addition to license plate recognition, entry and exit time period calculation, and entry and exit frequency calculation. When the vehicle enters the front of the barrier gate, the driver needs to roll down the window and face the camera. The system automatically verifies the driver and the vehicle, and only active drivers and vehicles with entry and exit quotas can enter. Whether the vehicle and driver successfully enter or not, they are synchronously reflected on the computer/PAD/mobile phone of the management end and display end. When encountering special reasons, you can apply to the administrator for temporary access to the barrier gate. After the administrator enters the reason on the computer/PAD/mobile phone, the system allows the vehicle to enter.

Hikvision Smart Factory Workshop Staffing Control High Security Level Security System

Hikvision Smart Factory Workshop Staffing Control High Security Level Security System

Hikvision Smart Factory Workshop Staffing Control High Security Level Security System

This intelligent software and hardware system interfaces with several types of hardware such as Hikvision‘s swing gates, license plate recognition cameras, facial recognition access control, vehicle entry and exit gates, network relays, and network sound columns. Integrate with the management backend to deeply manage the entry and exit of vehicles and personnel.


Register the vehicles with their respective departments and set the allowed entry and exit time periods. In addition to license plate recognition and time period calculation, set the monthly cumulative entry and exit frequency, daily entry and exit frequency, and monthly entry and exit frequency for the vehicles in the department.

If the vehicle is used up beyond the prescribed limit of entry times on the same day, the vehicle is not allowed to enter.


Each vehicle is bound to one or more drivers, and when the vehicle enters and exits, in addition to license plate recognition, entry and exit time period calculation, and entry and exit frequency calculation. When the vehicle enters the front of the barrier gate, the driver needs to roll down the window and face the camera. The system automatically verifies the driver and the vehicle, and only active drivers and vehicles with entry and exit quotas can enter.


Whether the vehicle and driver successfully enter or not, they are synchronously reflected on the computer/PAD/mobile phone of the management end and display end.

When encountering special reasons, you can apply to the administrator for temporary access to the barrier gate. After the administrator enters the reason on the computer/PAD/mobile phone, the system allows the vehicle to enter.


Like vehicles, personnel from different departments and units are granted access permissions for different time periods based on their job positions. For example, workers can only enter and exit once a day, and in special circumstances, they should contact the security administrator for authorization to enter and exit.

When personnel arrive at the gate of the swing gate, they will perform facial or iris recognition with the facial recognition access control, and the system will authorize the swing gate to open for personnel to enter and exit. For personnel who leave through the escape route, the management system will always display that the person has not left. The system will push an alarm to the security management team. After the security administrator confirms on site, they will reply to the system about the incident and simultaneously contact the alarm.


Once an emergency situation occurs, the security team administrator will activate an emergency notification, and the on-site network speakers will issue a voice notification for emergency evacuation. At the same time, the flashing alarm light will continue to flash, using sound and light to notify on-site office personnel to evacuate as soon as possible. During emergency evacuation, play the evacuation route map on the large screen at the scene. After the safety is revoked, the evacuation is completed, and the on-site alarm sound and light alarm are turned off.



Function List:

Backend configuration:

Personnel quota setting.

Vehicle staffing settings.

Departmental configuration.

Vehicle configuration.

Driver configuration.

Personnel configuration.

License plate recognition camera configuration.

Access control configuration.

Barrier gate configuration.

Network sound column configuration.

Swing gate configuration.


Front end business logic:

Vehicle entry and exit:

Authorize vehicles to enter and exit.

When authorized vehicles enter and exit, the gate will no longer be opened when the configured number of vehicles is fully parked.

Administrators can manually intervene in opening and closing the barrier gate.


On site appointment, fill in the license plate, entry and exit time period, and reason. The mini program will push it to internal personnel to confirm authorization.


Take photos and archive them when vehicles enter and exit.


Personnel entry and exit:

Authorized personnel conduct remote verification through on-site facial recognition.

At this time, based on the current number of personnel, compare the upper limit of the configured personnel. When it is not fully staffed, open the gate to enter.

If full, entry is not allowed.

Administrators can manually intervene in the opening and closing of the switch.


On site appointment, taking photos and filling in the entry and exit time period and reason, the mini program pushes to internal personnel to confirm authorization.



The system is divided into a display end and an operation end. There is no quantity limit for adding the display end, and there is no quantity limit for adding the operation end.

Simultaneously supporting display and operation on PAD, mobile phone, and computer.



Statistics of Large Screen Landing:

On duty personnel statistics.

Statistics of incoming and outgoing vehicles.

Statistics on overcrowding of incoming and outgoing personnel.

Statistics of remaining vehicle usage.

Temporary personnel statistics.

Alarm event statistics.

Statistics of escape incidents.

Statistics of security administrator authorization events.


Tel: (086) 199 0808 0851.





宝鸡市千阳县婚车租赁公司手机选车下单异地还车小程序 千阳县婚车租赁公司手机选车下单异地还车小程序同步整合了当前县城同行公司结婚车辆资源,新人租车时,只需要在小程序上即可选遍全城婚车,如不满意,还可选择临近城市更高档次的婚车,选中下单后支付。婚车租赁公司老板在小程序上调度车辆,在预约的时间、地点准时准点将车带司机一起调配到位。 有现成案例,可演示、可使用,不用调整、不用等待、更不用和软件开发公司闹矛盾。 代码可以买断,可以购买授权,可以按年租,可以按月租。 不轮任何一种合作方式,甲方提供第三方接口后,三天内就能投入生产环境的正式运营。 更多更具体更详细的功能请见宝鸡市千阳县婚车租赁公司手机选车下单异地还车小程序的功能清单。 【婚车租赁公司手机选车下单异地还车小程序功能清单】 1、车辆带司机预约系统,用车人选择出发点、目的地,选择开始用车时间和用车结束时间,填写用车事由 2、选择车辆和是否带司机。

2022-07-02 1576


沈阳派车管理系统小程序公车管理微公众号 只要能解决传统的用车、派车、突发事故处理、结算、对账以及员工管理和司机、车辆管理上的约束,提高了响应的效率、扩大了管理司机、车辆的数量范围,精细化和准确化车辆租赁使用的时间和里程账单数据等问题的派车管理系统小程序公车管理微公众号软件,才是一款合格的公务用车派车管理软件。 文锋科技为了适应市场的不同需求,推出了专业型微-信小程序版乘客端+微-信小程序版办公室主任审核员端+微-信小程序版车队调度员端 +安卓版司机端公务用车排班调度管理软件。可按月租赁、按年租赁;也可以代码买断或定制升级开发。 为了不浪费您的宝贵时间,我们在此列一下公务车管理系统调度员端部分功能,更多功能请联系我们了解和体验。

2022-04-10 1271


西安公务用车道路救援管理小程序定制 【商家介绍】 文锋科技有限公司主自从2016年以来,一直致力于西安公务用车道路救援管理小程序、公务车排班调度等的打车叫车软件的研发。目前已经开发出公务用车派车软件、公务车租赁系统等软件;所有APP软件系统全部为原生态开发,已在不同省份投入使用,主要在山东、陕西、贵州、广东、北京、四川和海外地区;以上所有软件均可直接查看演示,BUG率较低,稳定性还行,多台服务器部署;支持负载均衡。公司秉承“以人为本、诚信服务、用技术创造价值”的经营理念,竭诚为您服务。 道路救援这种事,不可能任何一家单位都专门成立一个这样的部门,但是这事又不是不希望来就永远不会来的。 所以,如果修理厂,能够为公务用车成立如此一个救援小组,那事必能带来一些额外订单。 另外一个不可避免的事情,公务用车呼叫道路救援时,车上乘坐着的出差人员如何顺利的继续出差?这也是一个相当重要的问题。 文锋科技研发的西安公务用车道路救援管理小程序,可在救援的同时兼顾公务用车出差人员的继续出差问题,具体功能如下。 【西安公务用车道路救援管理小程序司机端功能】 1、公务用车司机提交订单寻找道路救援师傅。 2、发布完订单之后,系统会向周围的空闲道路救援师傅推送此道路救援招投标项目。 3、在上门道路救援 APP 公务用车司机端上会显示此次通知了几位师傅,有几人投标,几人投标失 败,几人拒绝。

2022-07-18 1708



2020-01-15 721


武汉汉阳公务车共享分时租赁小程序APP软件源代码 文锋科技研发的新能源公务用车申请审批调度管理平台的功能则包括统计汇总、用车申请管理、人员管理、用车单位管理、车型管理、车费标准管理、司机管理、调度员管理、系统设置等九大功能。 【用车人工作台功能模块】 1、用户注册、个人中心。 用户注册分为合作单位注册和社会化人员注册,合作单位注册需要填写单位数字注册码。 个人中心包括修改手鸡号、修改头像、修改所在部门。 2、申请用车、车辆选择。 申请用车包含填写出发地、目的地、用车开始时间、用车截止时间、用车是由、选择的车辆。 车辆选择包含选择停在本单位内的车辆,和选择停在单位外的车辆,可以选择是否带专职司机。

2022-04-17 1319
免费注册 免费咨询